Monday, May 10, 2010


Welcome to the Applications in GIS course blog! As the title suggests, you will be posting your weekly project maps here. The main idea of doing so is to share ideas by posting your own rendition of project results. In a face-to-face course, you would discuss and share techniques amongst peers. In a way, the blog allows you to do the same.

IMPORTANT: New Students - Once you have created a blog specific to this class, please email me with your new blog address so I can add your link to the class blog for all to access. This is an orientation task if you are completing that now.

Returning students - Use your introduction to GIS blog and rename it if you like. Don't delete your old posts. You can create a new blog using the same email address if you like, but be sure to email me the new blog link.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Weeks 8-10 GIS For Law Enforcement and Homeland Security


Week 8 - GIS for Law Enforcement: Take a geospatial approach to crime fighting in Houston, TX; a city that has successfully Incorporated GIS technology.

Week 9 - GIS for Homeland Security: Identify Minimum Essential Data Sets stipulated by DHS to safeguard critical infrastructure and people.
Week 10 - GIS for Homeland Security continued: Use 2d and 3d spatial tools to site optimal surveillance positions around critical infrastructure. Define assembly points for evacuation.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Week 6: Location, Location, Location

In this week's activity, we use tools in ArcMap that make deciding where to site new locations fairly simple. An introduction to model building and weighted overlay will help us complete specific location decision tasks. Depending on which section of the course you are enrolled you may find a home for a couple moving to Arizona with specific requirements or determine the best site for a radio station in Ohio. Census tract data is utilized and the spatial skills can be applied to countless site-location decisions large and small.
As many of you realize by now, there are many ways of acquiring the same end result. Keep in mind this exercise illustrates just one set of procedures. I encourage everyone to make the project there own by trying new ways of completing tasks and producing one-of-a-kind maps.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What's New This Week and Other News

Week 5 begins a new topic: Urban Planning (weeks 5-7)
beginning with Impact Assessments.

Ticky Tacky... Westlake, a "city within a city" suburb

The course schedule has been updated recently... content changes made to weeks 8-9.

Check it out

Our work with HAZUS-MH has been recognized by the Western Disaster Center (NASA Research Park, San Francisco, CA). I hope to share our experience with HAZUS-MH and provide/receive feedback soon!